Elk Encounter
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
$110 Per Person
Experience the scents, sounds, views and weather of PA’s wild elk’s natural habitat during a 4D film during which it even “snows” at a new elk visitor’s center in Benezette, PA! Plus visit outside viewing blinds to experience the habitat in real life or stay inside and enjoy the center’s remote-controlled cameras focused on the nearby fields where the elk often graze at dawn and dusk.
Additional displays offer more info and a Catered Meal with Entertainer is included.
Did you know on top for every bull elk’s head are two pedicles from which each spring antlers grow? The antlers are so strongly locked into the pedicles that a bull could hang 10 bowling balls from each antler and the antlers wouldn’t budge.
• A Catered Dinner is Included.
• A Visit to Grice Museum Included to view over 70 antique and classic cars, plus large collection of African game mounts and model airplanes.
• A Winery visit to tasting and browsing is also Included. (must be 21 years of age to enter)
Reservation and Full Payment Deadline is September 11, 2020 or when Seats sell out, whichever comes first.
For further information or to reserve by phone, call Deb at: 941-3430 or 941-TOUR (8687).